Notification on ad hoc flights

The opening hours of the Niš Airport for commercial air traffic in the winter season for 2019/2020 (all times are local):

Monday: 14:30 – 19:30
Tuesday: 13:30 – 20:30
Thursday: 14:00 – 16:00
Friday: 14:00 – 16:00
Saturday: 12:00 – 14:00
18:00 – 20:30
Sunday: 13:30 – 16:30

In order to process all Handling requests over the entire working week and on weekends, 24 hours a day, it is necessary to notify Niš “Constantine the Great” Airport flight coordinator on all non-scheduled, private and other general aviation flights.
An operator shall submit to the Flight coordinator, a request 24 hours earlier with the following information:

  1.  name of operator;
  2.  aircraft type and MTOM;
  3.  aircraft identification or aircraft registration mark;
  4.  destinations, date and time (UTC) of landing/take-off at the Airport Nis;
  5.  SITA, fax, phone number or e-mail of the contact person;
  6.  Information relevant for handling: number of passengers, the amount of goods, special requirements, etc.

Please be informed that if Handling request is not provide on time, there is a possibility that flight will not be realized from Niš Airport.

Contact for requested flights – Flight coordinator Niš Airport: